Heather Neal
Crisis Services Manager, CMHA Halton
Heather Neal is the Manager of Crisis Services for Canadian Mental Health Association, Halton Region Branch (CMHA HRB). She holds her BA in Psychology and has worked in the Human Services field for the past 23 years. She has worked specifically in Community Mental Health and Mental Health Crisis for 18 years. One of the crisis programs that she oversees is the Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) in Halton. The COAST program is a partnership between CMHA HRB and Halton Regional Police Services and they provide support and assistance to those experiencing a mental health crisis in Halton. Many times COAST receives requests for support from Condo Boards and/or Property Managers who are attempting to assist a resident experiencing a mental health crisis. This is a challenging time for all involved and COAST can assist with providing psychoeducation and guidance on the best next steps for all involved. Heather is excited to be able to share more about the COAST program to better assist all involved in supporting someone experiencing a very challenging time if their life!