Emerald Sponsor
$2,200 + HST each
- Logo on all Email Blasts
- Listing on Conference Website/Mobile App with
- hyperlinked logo
- ability to add video link
- ability to add PDF link
- company description
- Opportunity to provide promotional material/items in delegate bag
- Recognition as a sponsor to be posted on social media
- Three (three) conference registrations for staff/company representatives
- Three (4) full conference registrations for Condo Board Directors
- Logo on all sponsor Signage
*****From Ruby*****
- Tabletop exhibit space in foyer
- Logo on all Email Blasts
- Listing on Conference Website/Mobile App with
- hyperlinked logo
- ability to add video link
- ability to add PDF link
- company description
- Opportunity to provide promotional material/items in delegate bag
- Recognition as a sponsor to be posted on social media
- Three (three) conference registrations for staff/company representatives
- Three (4) full conference registrations for Condo Board Directors
- Logo on all sponsor Signage
Audio Visual
Logo on AV Tech table
Your logo Logo/footage added to re-cap sizzle reel
Welcome Entrance Sponsorship - SOLD
Custom signage at exterior entrance. Ability to provide welcome reps/and outdoor activation.
*****END --- From Ruby*****
Session Sponsor: (6 available)
Opportunity to introduce the session