CCI Event Accommodation Policy

The Canadian Condominium Institute (“CCI”) and its chapters are committed to treating all people in a way that maintains their dignity and independence. Accordingly, CCI is committed to complying with applicable laws to facilitate the equal opportunity and integration of attendees of CCI-sponsored events. CCI recognizes that attendees may encounter barriers to attending CCI-sponsored events, and where required by applicable human rights legislation, CCI will provide reasonable accommodation up to the point of undue hardship.

Through this commitment, CCI has developed this Policy, which sets out CCI’s procedures for accommodation. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure all parties to the accommodation process, including attendees of CCI-sponsored events, are aware of their rights and responsibilities with respect to the accommodation process.

This Policy applies to all attendees of CCI-sponsored events and representatives of CCI or the relevant chapter who are involved in the accommodation process related to a CCI-sponsored event. Such CCI or chapter representatives and attendees of CCI-sponsored events are expected to comply with the terms of this Policy when there are accommodation requests for CCI-sponsored events.

Policy Statement

CCI and its chapters have a duty to accommodate under applicable human rights legislation, the needs of individuals who are prevented on the basis of a protected ground from equal access to services, including CCI-sponsored events. In the event that the duty to accommodate by CCI or its relevant chapters is triggered under applicable human rights legislation, CCI or the relevant chapter will provide reasonable accommodation up to the point of undue hardship, to attendees who are prevented as a result of a protected ground, from access to CCI-sponsored events.

This Policy does not guarantee the accommodation requested or indefinite accommodation. CCI and its chapters may not provide accommodation if such provision results in undue hardship, which include health and safety concerns.

For the purposes of this Policy, protected grounds refer to the protected grounds of discrimination recognized under applicable human rights legislation including disability.

Accommodation Process

1. Request Accommodation

Attendees at CCI-sponsored events who require accommodation may submit a written request to the CCI-National Executive Director at or his/her designate.

The written request shall contain or be accompanied with the following information:

Attendees seeking accommodation are expected to provide their full cooperation by providing information, including supporting documentation, relevant to the accommodation request. Where the request for accommodation relates to disability, the attendee will be required to provide relevant medical information to CCI or the relevant chapter, which sets out any functional limitation(s) in order to facilitate the assessment and determination of appropriate accommodation.

Failure by the attendee to cooperate or to provide information and documentation as set out above or requested by CCI or the relevant chapter, may delay the accommodation process, or in some circumstances, may mean that the accommodation cannot be granted.

2. Review of Accommodation Request

Once the written request is received, CCI or the relevant chapter will review the request and assess each request on a case-by-case basis. Attendees making a request for accommodation may be asked for additional information or supporting documentation, and attendees are required to provide to CCI or the relevant chapter, adequate information in support of the accommodation request.

3. Decision regarding Accommodation Request

CCI or the relevant chapter will grant accommodation requests in accordance with applicable human rights legislation. The decision by CCI or the relevant chapter to grant a request for accommodation and the type of accommodation granted is at the sole discretion of the CCI or the relevant chapter. The decision, and the type of accommodation granted (if any), will depend on the nature and extent of the attendee’s personal situation, the accommodation requested, the information and supporting documentation provided, and the setting in which the event is being held.

In accordance with applicable human rights legislation, CCI or the relevant chapter reserves the right to grant a type of accommodation that has not been requested, but appropriately meets the needs of the attendee making the request for accommodation. At all times, accommodation, if granted, will be provided in accordance with the principles of dignity and inclusion.

If CCI or the relevant chapter decides to grant a request for accommodation by an attendee, the accommodation will only be valid for the event for which the attendee made the request. The attendee is required to submit a new request for accommodation for each CCI-sponsored event that the attendee requires accommodation, along with supporting documentation.

Once CCI or the relevant chapter has made a decision regarding the attendee’s request, the requesting attendee will be notified of the decision. A decision regarding the attendee’s accommodation request will be provided within a reasonable period of time.

4. Accommodation Planning

If accommodation has been granted, CCI or the relevant chapter will work with the attendee to implement the accommodation. The accommodation process is a shared responsibility, and everyone involved is expected to work cooperatively, including when implementing the accommodation that has been granted.

Privacy and Confidentiality

All information and documents associated with accommodation requests will be maintained by CCI or the relevant chapter, in a confidential manner and in accordance with its privacy policy, and will only be shared with persons who need the information for the purposes of the accommodation process or to implement the accommodation, if granted.

Should you have any questions about this Policy, please contact the CCI-National Executive Director at or by calling 416-491-6216.

CCI Event Accommodation Policy

© 2025 Golden Horseshoe Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute
Box 37, Burlington, ON Canada L7R 3X8
Tel. 905-631-0124 or 1-844-631-0124 Email