CCI Chapter Board of Directors
Code of Ethics for Chapter Directors of the Canadian Condominium Institute / Institute canadiens des condominiums
In carrying out his or her duties as a Director, and in serving on committees of the Board, each Director of the Canadian Condominium Institute (the “Institute”) shall use his or her best efforts:
- To uphold the integrity and reputation of the Institute in all of the Director’s actions.
- To act honestly, in good faith and with the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances.
- To uphold and promote the objects, goals and mission statement of the Institute.
- To participate in and contribute to the collegiality of the Board, recognizing that it is, with intent and purpose, comprised of members of the many professions which serve the Canadian condominium community together with condominium directors and owners, each from diverse areas of the nation, and that the collegiality of the Board and the Institute, as national bodies, makes the Institute unique and gives it strength.
- To attend meetings of the Board and its committees and to carry out tasks assigned or accepted except when prevented by pressures of work and family.
- To advise the executive of the Board as promptly as possible when pressures of work or family will prevent attendance at meetings, or the completion of tasks, and to co-operate in the reassignment of such tasks.
- To respond to communications regarding Board business.
- To keep current on issues at CCI National.
- To act, participate and debate with courtesy, in good faith and with respect of the views expressed and positions taken by others.
- To refrain from taking any action in the name of the Institute, except such action as duly authorized by the Chapter or the Executive, and to defer to and recognize the authority of the Board, the Executive and the Officers in all dealings with employees, contractors, suppliers and others working for or doing business with the Institute. continued…
- To recognize that the vote of the Board on any issue, in accordance with the Chapter’s By-Laws, shall be binding and determinative, provided that a Director may, if he or she feels the Board is acting contrary to the Institute’s Charter or By-Laws, this code of ethics or to law, ask that his or her objection, and negative vote, be noted in the minutes and it shall be so noted.
- To declare any conflict of interest with the Institute and to remove himself or herself from participating in or listening to any discussion involving such conflict; from receiving or viewing any confidential correspondence, minutes or documents concerning such conflict; and from any vote concerning such conflict.
- Not to use, or allow the use of, any confidential information of the Institute for any purposes other then those of the Institute, nor to disclose or transfer that information to any other party.