CCI Membership Types

The condominium community is growing at an astonishing rate. Nearly one third of all homes sold today are condominiums. Millions of Canadians live, play and in many cases work, in some form of condominium development.

Condominium legislation is complex thus making the operation and administration of condominiums a challenge. The CCI can provide you with the support and guidance to assist you in meeting that challenge. The CCI has and will continue to lead the way in promoting and improving condominium living.

Why join CCI?

CCI also provides growth opportunities for the professionals and trades who service the condominium market. The most cost-effective way to increase business and tap into the growing condominium market is through CCI membership!

Professional Partner Membership will also have the added benefit of:

Annual Membership Fee – July 1 to June 30 Annually

To join choose your Membership type below:

Condominium Corporation Membership

There are four categories for Condominium Corporation Membership: 1-19 Units, 20-49 units, 50-149 units and 150+ units. Condominium Corporation membership includes all units owners and directors.

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Individual Membership

Individual memberships shall be limited to any owner or occupant of a condominium, strata or equivalent corporation and any other person other than a person who would qualify as professional member interested in furthering the goals of the CCI.

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Professional Membership

A Professional Member is an individual who participates professionally in a field or endeavour related to condominiums. Professional membership applies only to the person in whose name it is held.

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Business Partner Membership

Business Partner memberships shall be limited to any corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship (other than one would qualify for Condominium or Professional Membership), government agency, investment firm, lending institution, insurance company, advertising company, development or construction firm or other business entity that is involved in the condominium industry. Business Partner membership is held by the company and for event discounts, all employees are eligible.

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CCI Testimonial

I have been on Condominium Boards  for over 20 years and have found the information provided by the CCI invaluable. The magazine articles alone have provided an endless amount of material. Such things  as: roofing replacement, road maintenance, how to deal with uncooperative residents and bad Directors, problem solving, etc. the list is endless. The material  provided has given my Boards the opportunity to be very pro active in budget preparation and repairs in general. with  More importantly are the various courses, seminars and conferences that are available. Not only do they provide  opportunities to get information instantly but also create a forum where you can interact with other Condo. Representatives and business that provide services to Condominiums.
This is an opportunity that every Board should take advantage of, you will not be disappointed.


-Bill, W.C.C.439

© 2024 Golden Horseshoe Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute
Box 37, Burlington, ON Canada L7R 3X8
Tel. 905-631-0124 or 1-844-631-0124 Email