CCI Golden Horseshoe Chapter News

November 9, 2022 - CCI Golden Horseshoe News

Call for Volunteers

Are you interested in joining one of the Golden Horseshoe Chapter Committees?
If you would like to get involved, please email indicating which committee you would be interested in participating in.

Communications Committee

Roles & Responsibilities

  1. Promotion and marketing of Golden Horseshoe Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute
  2. Production of quarterly Condo News Magazine
  3. Development of Website
  4. Development of Press Releases
  5. Selection of Condo of the Year Recipient

Education Committee

Roles & Responsibilities

  1. Review and improvement of Chapter education programs
  2. Development and recommendation of educational policies and programs

External Relations Committee

Roles & Responsibilities

  1. Develop contacts with Provincial and Federal Governments 
  2. Meet with Provincial and Federal Governments to advance the objectives of the CCI-GHC
  3. Develop contacts in the Condominium field for the advancement of CCI-GHC
  4. Liaise with other industry Associations with the same goals and objectives

Governance/Policy Committee

Roles & Responsibilities

  1. Review and development of policies and bylaws to maintain consistency of Golden Horseshoe Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute
  2. Recommend and implement new policies or direction

Professional & Business Partners Committee

Roles & Responsibilities

  1. To add value to existing members
  2. To increase Professional and Business Partners
  3. Membership Awareness



To Promote and Grow a Network of Trusted Professionals for the Benefit of all CCI Members.

© 2025 Golden Horseshoe Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute
Box 37, Burlington, ON Canada L7R 3X8
Tel. 905-631-0124 or 1-844-631-0124 Email